Every 5 years the Australian Bureau of Statistics conducts a national Census to gather information about people living in Australia at a point in time.
Many of you may also know that information on homelessness is also captured through the Census. So, for example, the 2016 Census found that there were 27,683 homeless young people in Australia, of which 4,456 or 16% live in Queensland. Nationally homeless youth (aged 12 to 24 years) made up 32% of total homeless persons living in ‘severely’ crowded dwellings, 23% of persons in supported accommodation for the homeless and 16% of persons staying temporarily in other households *(source ABS)
The information gathered for the Census is through a form completed by every Australian wherever they live on Census night – either online or through a paper form. There is also a special counting process for people that are experiencing homelessness especially people who are rough sleeping or in a homelessness service.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is now looking at improving how they are asking the questions during the Census about homelessness. The ABS acknowledges that there is an under-count of homeless young people and are keen to look at ways to improve how they find and gather data about youth homelessness. You can now provide input into this process but you only have until the 30 June !!! There are couple ways that you can do this:
- You can participate by clicking on the link and filling out the form: http://abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/2007.0?OpenDocument
- QYHC will be putting in submission and we are looking for a broad feedback – you can simply send us an email with your thoughts or email or request a link to our survey monkey – email: maria.leebeek@qyhc.org.au